Mr Kamal Kumar Kar is designated as the Regional Director with NSS Regional Directorate for Gujarat, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, and Government of India.The officer has numerous achievements on his name and has been very instrumental in shaping the state of National Service Scheme in Gujarat State. With his extravagant hard exertion, he presented these works as a role model for other states to replicate.
Adding to his distinguished persona, Mr. Kar always depicts an eccentric affection against the young community furthermore motivates them for development initiatives in the national interest.According to him the youth of a nation makes for the base of any development mission and thereby integrating to the vision of the country.
Through his guidance,he has impacted the community on a greater scalein additionhas benefited thousands of youths across the nation. He periodically reviews the initiatives of the foundation with adding his valued inputs in the development of the organisation’s working. Since the beginning of Elixir Foundation’s workstowards social development, Mr. Kamal Kumar Sar’s guidance has been ofa great importance for the foundation.